Thursday, October 12, 2006

First One Day at the Oval

Today I watched the first one day match at the new Kensignton Oval.

It was supposed to be yesterday but there was so much rain ppl actually started to build it didn't happen..

For those of you who don't like cricket ( Northamericans), carry ya rasshole!

It was just a simple match between 2 local teams here in Barbados but it provided me with some entertainment for a lil while.

Two men out in the first over, which I thought was hilarious...but then it started to get good. Almost witnessed the first half century at the new oval except the man get out foolish foolish on 43...

Saw a SIX that near kill a construction worker, and there was no shortages of FOURS...

runouts are indisputable due to no instant replay and they even had a lil crowd under a few tents takin' in the excitement...

All in all, there was hardly any construction going on today as everyone was watching the cricket. They should have known that would happen tho.

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